Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cruz's Surgery Adventure moving to Detroit

We are heading to Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday for Cruz to see Dr Antonio Capone. The Mayo clinic told us that they wanted us to see this Doctor as he is amazing. They wanted to make sure there is nothing else that we can do for Cruz's eye. He will be put under anesthesia on Wednesday, and if the Doctor can help him, he will proceed with a procedure at that time. Please pray for Cruz, his eye, that his retina is completely attached and flat....We boldy pray for a Miracle as God can provide. Please also pray for our safety on the plane ride there and on our train ride home.


Shelly said...

We will be praying - have a great trip!!

Andy said...

Love you guys. By guys I mean Josh, Kelly and Cruz...or lets be honest, we all love Tupac....matt/shelly...say it with me...Tupac Tousignant...Tupac Toooooozzzzznaaaa

Andy said...

Oh and I will be praying for you. I hope have a good trip.

Tousignant and Co. said...

Garbers is nuts,our son is not a dead rapper

Tousignant and Co. said...

Garbers is nuts,our son is not a dead rapper

Tousignant and Co. said...

Garbers is nuts,our son is not a dead rapper