Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Surgery in Detroit October 17th, 2007

Cruz just got out of surgery. He did well...
Dr Antonio Capone told us that he had a thin layer of scar tissue from where the oil was put in his eye. He took the oil out and removed the scar tissue. As he was taking out the rest of the fluid in the back of the eye, he got to the retina beyond the buckle and there was a very shallow detachment. The detachment was due to another thin layer of scar tissue that had adhered to the retina. He filled the eye with fluid, fixed the buckle so that it will expand with his eye as it grows and closed it up. We will need to come back to Detroit in a month to see the Doctor again. He said the eye has a 50 % chance of working with this surgery. If it does not work, they will take plasma from his mother's blood, and freeze it until we come back. If when he goes in next time we are here and the retina is still attached, he will place the plasma in the eye and wait 45 minutes or so. What the plasma will do is weaken the bond between the retina and the scar tissue...the scar tissue is what is pulling the retina off of the back of the eye because it "shrinks." He will then attempt to peel of the scar tissue. If the retina stays down, then we can talk about the rehabilitation of the eye with the contact lens and the taping of the "good" eye!
All in all- Life is good....God is good!


~Sherry said...

Good to hear...Praying for your lil' guy.

Shelly said...

Wow! Back to D-town in a month...are you exhausted yet? :-) I'm glad to hear Cruz is doing well. I've been praying for you. Loves