Saturday, September 8, 2007

Cruz's Check-up Under Anesthesia Monday

We are back to the Mayo for an eye check-up on Monday at 1 pm. Cruz will be put under anesthesia to check his eye and to possibly take the oil out that they put in during the surgery. They will also check the refraction to see what strength they will need for his contact lens. We received a letter from the doctor saying that he has a chance to see in this eye, but that it is ultimately dismal....this was very hard for us to hear. We will continue to pray for God's Will and to pray for God to perform a Miracle by healing his eye. We know that God will take care of just may not be in the way that we want Him to.
Please continue to pray for Cruz...for him to come out of the anesthesia safely...for his eye to be healed...for God to protect him....for God's Will.


1 comment:

~Sherry said...

Praying for your lil' guy.....See you on Wed! -Sher