Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Surgery will be on Friday at the Mayo Clinic....


We went to the Mayo clinic and had a second opinion on Cruz. The doctor told us that he does have Cataract PCPV in his right eye. We discussed surgery and had it scheduled for this Wednesday. The doctor was 3 months out for surgery but told us time is of the importance and fit us in the next day. After returning home and updating many of you, I received a phone call from the doctor around 9:30 pm. He stated that he thinks doing a posterior approach of surgery in the eye would be the best possible way. The Pediatric Opthalomogist feels that the retinal specialist shoud perform the surgery on Cruz using the posterior approach. He thinks that the posterior approach to the eye is the best option due to the PCPV...which means that the cataract could be attached to the jelly in the eye and to the retina.

So- we are looking at surgery now for Friday...with a possible trip to the doctor on Thursday as well.

We feel great Peace with the Mayo and the doctors that we have come into contact with. We now know that God has always had his hand on Cruz and revealed his eye problems to Josh and me in a timely fashion. Time is very important with cataract and the attempt to save his eye.

Please pray for the following-

Pray that the cataract is only in the lens of the eye and pray that it does not extend to the back of the eye.
Pray for God to have Cruz in the palm of his hand and protect him during the surgery.
Please pray that the surgery has no complications with the best possible outcome.
Please pray that God will perform a miracle with the surgery.
Pray for our strength in faith, that we would not waiver...and for rest and safety.

We love you and appreciate you all....Kelly, Josh and Cruz


Rachel, Tony, and Baby said...

Kelly, you are in Rachel and I's thoughts and prayers. We wish you the best throughout this trying experience.

My sister grew up very ill and although she never had an eye issue, she took many trips to Mayo and both her and my mom thought they did an incredibly terrific job with everything they did.

Best wishes.

Tony Dougherty

The Kirberger's said...

Kelly, Josh and Cruz,

I found a prayer that I have sent on to my friends and family to help us pray for a miracle and for strength. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. Hugs all around! Joni

"Almighty and ever-living God,
let your healing powers make whole those who suffer, in body, mind or spirit.
Comfort and strengthen them.
Lift their hearts and bring them the joy of your salvation.