Friday, August 24, 2007

Cruz is doing well....

Hello all-
Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Cruz is doing well....fussy...but hanging in there considering the circumstances. The doctor said that all went well. They were able to fix the detached retina in a few places and took out the lens. He said that the back of the eye looks really good and we will have to see if the retina stays attached. Cruz has a good chance of using his eye and the people in the OR were amazed at how well it went. The doc said that it went as well as it could have gone. God will continue to work through Cruz and his eye. Prayers are still needed as the recovery is over 5 or more years and is pretty extensive with the bandaging, drops, and possible second surgery at the age of 2 to put a new lens in. Cruz will get contacts that he will need to wear until then so that the eye can start to grow. All in all...we are very blessed.

Josh and Kelly

1 comment:

Teri Brost said...

Kelly and Josh,

I've been thinking about you guys lots. What a stressful situation to deal with in addition to being brand new parents. I'm so glad everything went well for you and for Cruz. I hope I get to see him soon. Til then give him a hug and a kiss from me! He is so adorable!