Saturday, October 13, 2007

2 Month Pictures

Cruz went to the doctor for his 2 month check-up! He also had his kidney's checked and everything is functioning very well.

Cruz at the doctor showing us the "so big" pose!

He is adorable....
He is not to happy here
Daddy pointing out his new band-aids
Cruz was so tired after his doctor visit that he fell asleep!
Daddy burping the Cruz Man!
Mommy and Cruz sleeping
He loves his hand...
Little cutie in his crib
What a big boy! daddy set-up his jumpy toy that Cruz is clearly too small to be in. Josh put a box underneath it so that Cruz could touch. Daddy also had to tuck a blankey in with him so that he didn't sink down too far!
Two handsome boys....


Shelly said...

He looks so much like his mommy! He found his sweet. And what a lucky boy to have such a nice jumperoo. Can I bring Dane over to play in it? Only if Cruz doesn't mind... :-)

Tousignant and Co. said...
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Tousignant and Co. said...

You can bring Big D over anytime!!